There's Purity in God's Practices!

We see this idea of the purity or holiness of God for the first time in Exodus when God tells Moses to take off his sandal because He is standing on Holy ground.  Moses covers his face in fear.  God says, “Don’t come any closer!” It is intense!
That intensity of God’s Holiness or purity shows up in greater sense when we see stories about the Temple in Jerusalem.  The temple represents the center of God’s presence in Israel.  That intensity is at its greatest in this room of the temple called the Holy of Holies.  It is the hot spot of God’s presence.  If you live in Israel or a priest working the temple, you are close to God’s presence.  It is dangerous!  This is a problem!
In the Bible, the solution is you need to become pure.  The Bible talks about being ritually pure in the Old Testament.  Ritual purity is separating from anything that is anything dead, bodies or even bodily fluids.  These things make you unclean!  Impurity means death because walking into God’s presence in an impure state means death.  The Bible gives specific instruction about what makes you impure and how to become ritually pure.  That is what the book of Leviticus is about…Ritual Purity! 
Jesus is our picture of moral purity.  Jesus shows us proper behavior in places we have all been perverse.  This is why true belief in Jesus shows up in proper (moral) behavior.  This week focus on moral behavior that honors our Master!

Sincerely yours and securely His,
Pastor Darryl K. Fields